Here, “Pei-Ling” includes Pei-Ling Lee Inc. DBA “Rebirth” ("us", "we", or "our") and any and all energies, experiences, and environments that are created, offered, expressed through Pei-Ling Lee.

You agree that by accessing the website, by encountering Pei-Ling, by experiencing Pei-Ling’s offerings, and/or by engaging with Pei-Ling’s content in person or online, you have read, understood, and consent to the following shared agreements:

Medical Disclaimer

  • Pei-Ling is not a licensed psychotherapist, massage therapist, physician, veterinarian, or healing arts practitioner, and her multidimensional services are not licensed by the State of California.

  • Pei-Ling does not diagnose illness, perform medical treatments, prescribe medications, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed healthcare professional.

  • Pei-Ling’s services, as well as any content on this website or elsewhere in person or online, do not take the place of licensed medical, mental health, or veterinary care. They are complementary, not alternative.

Personal Responsibility

  • Pei-Ling fully honors and respects each individual’s self-sovereignty, self-knowing, and self-empowered choice.

  • Pei-Ling believes that everyone and everything is fundamentally pure energy. This energy is conscious, divine, loving light.

  • Pei-Ling connects with you on the level of equality and equanimity — divine-to-divine, heart-to-heart, wholeness-to-wholeness, oneness-to-oneness.

  • Pei-Ling’s guidance, creations, offerings, and transmissions are all invitational. In every moment, you freely choose to participate, receive, engage, co-create, connect, enjoy.

  • Your experience is a reflection of you, and thus, is your sole responsibility to be with and adapt according to your truth and desires.

  • Any decision made or actions taken by you following engaging with any of our content is based on your own free will and self-sovereignty; and, as a result, are your sole responsibility.

Evolutionary Nature

  • Pei-Ling freely changes, evolves, grows, expands, chooses, creates, and flows with her intuitive path.

  • Pei-Ling operates in harmony with divine time, which is seasonal, spiralic, and rooted in the present moment.

  • It is up to Pei-Ling’s discernment and discretion to change, reschedule, or cancel events in alignment with what’s best for the greatest good of all.

Please direct any questions here.