016 exploring sensuality and enlightenment with Linda Gray


Join me and kindred spirit Linda Gray in this spiraling conversation where we explore living in a human body and beyond, being in connection with everything, and experiencing ecstatic flow states through sensuality.

May you receive what resonates and release what doesn't. Thanks for flowing with us and the loving oneness that is!

about Linda

I wanted two things from this life: enlightenment, and a sex life that would be intense, beautiful, and last forever. After many years of intention and training, I’ve achieved both. The first, in fact, led to the other.

My childhood was spent in southern Africa. At nineteen, I went to university in Canada and focused on enlightenment and the meaning of life through literature. In 1991, I began graduate work in English and philosophy, but I knew I wasn’t getting all the answers. So I moved to California to be part of an intentional community called Morehouse whose philosophy included enlightenment, the recognition that everything is already perfect, and sex. And that’s where I found everything I was seeking.

In 2009, I began Morehouse’s highest-level training in orgasm and it was here I explored their approach of moving from “It’s good now and can get even better.” With time and practice, I began to experience the orgasmic intensity I had dreamed of. Everything in life began to make profound sense — both in and beyond my body. I now have unlimited access to ecstatic flow states through my sensual practices, as well as through friends, relationships, meditation, yoga, horse-riding, and nature.

I received an MA in English from Mills College in 2005, and I currently work at a San Francisco nonprofit, the DiaNova Foundation.

Morehouse website: lafayettemorehouse.com
Their Basic Sensuality course is a handbook to your body and your life that you always wished you had received.

about me

In this beautiful human form, I’m Pei-Ling Lee. With an integrated lineage of energy-based healing art modalities, cosmic wisdom and ancient earth traditions, and intuitive movement practices, I lead immersive inbodied experiences with a loving heart and a playful spirit. Through my multidimensional voice, creativity, and presence, I align, activate, and guide beings like you who are also on a conscious journey of evolution and expansion.
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about spiraling with/in

spiraling with/in is a multidimensional container for illuminating conversations, where we spiral with/in the present moment together. Tuning into the inspiring energies with/in the here and now, lovingly including whatever arises.

With weekly episodes, spiraling with/in is available on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, and other magical channels of podcast radiance.

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a loving reminder of self-sovereignty and vibrational autonomy

All content offered to you through me, Pei-Ling Lee, on any channel or website is for informational and educational purposes only. I share general information, not personalized recommendations. By being here, you consciously realize that you are a multidimensionally whole divine being — fully responsible for yourself and all of your choices, actions, experiences, and outcomes. And you acknowledge that the content I share is not intended to be considered medical, mental health, legal, financial, or religious advice. Everything is invitational, offered forth for you to discern what's true, aligned, and resonant with you now.

Love, light, and blessings!