017 divine partnership journeys with Alisha Braché


Immersed in the energies of the Buck supermoon – Galactic New Year – Lion's Gate portal, join me and the wonderful Alisha Braché in this open-hearted conversation as we spiral through the multidimensional ins and outs of experiencing a divine partnership ascension path. Intimacy and in-bodied trauma, merging and mirroring, loving deep and letting go, and more.

May you receive what resonates and release what doesn't. Thanks for flowing with us and the loving oneness that is!

about Alisha

Alisha Braché is the creator of Cosmic Gateway & New Earth Children. She has dedicated her life since a very young age to her soul’s path & working with refining her Psychic, Intuitive & Healing Abilities to work with and support others in finding their path & deeper understanding to their soul’s journey.

Alisha works with a wide range of energy techniques & modalities influenced from her cosmic origins & star family to bring forth a range of advanced techniques to support people through: Ascension, retrieving soul memory & lost aspects, healing traumas through the multidimensional field and humanity towards a New Earth reality.

In particular, Alisha’s gifts are focused on those who are on a Divine Counterpart journey & women going through various types of high vibration & interdimensional pregnancies.

This work is based around the interconnectedness of galactic benevolent programs with children & the spiritual component of what is possible through Divine connection between soul merging.

Alisha's gifts spring from the wealth of her own unique life experiences involving: lifelong contactee, connection to the Spirit and Cosmic realms. Alisha’s unique experiences have given her the ability to work with those she supports in Divine Partnership & New Earth Children. Having an in depth experience with both light and darker realms allows her access to healing and integrating soul fragments for herself and others.

Alisha’s website links:

Connect with Alisha via the links: https://linktr.ee/cosmic.gateway

about me

In this beautiful human form, I’m Pei-Ling Lee. With an integrated lineage of energy-based healing art modalities, cosmic wisdom and ancient earth traditions, and intuitive movement practices, I lead immersive inbodied experiences with a loving heart and a playful spirit. Through my multidimensional voice, creativity, and presence, I align, activate, and guide beings like you who are also on a conscious journey of evolution and expansion.
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about spiraling with/in

spiraling with/in is a multidimensional container for illuminating conversations, where we spiral with/in the present moment together. Tuning into the inspiring energies with/in the here and now, lovingly including whatever arises.

With weekly episodes, spiraling with/in is available on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, and other magical channels of podcast radiance.

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an open invitation

If you're inspired to be part of this evolutionary journey of conscious co-creation as a sponsor or collaborator, send me a message to explore the alignment of mutually joyful expansion.

a loving reminder of self-sovereignty and vibrational autonomy

All content offered to you through me, Pei-Ling Lee, on any channel or website is for informational and educational purposes only. I share general information, not personalized recommendations. By being here, you consciously realize that you are a multidimensionally whole divine being — fully responsible for yourself and all of your choices, actions, experiences, and outcomes. And you acknowledge that the content I share is not intended to be considered medical, mental health, legal, financial, or religious advice. Everything is invitational, offered forth for you to discern what's true, aligned, and resonant with you now.

Love, light, and blessings!