018 moving from stuckness to flow with Lyn Bafour


Join me and my lovely childhood classmate, the inspiring Lyn Bafour, in this spiraling conversation where we explore movement and flow, dance and yoga, intention and intuition, decisiveness and personal responsibility.

May you receive what resonates and release what doesn't. Thanks for experiencing this moment with us and for supporting this podcast in all the ways — downloading, liking, subscribing, following!

about Lyn

Hello I am Lyn and here are some things you should know about me:

I was born in Southern California to a warm, expressive father and a giving and anxious mother. Both were deeply traumatized by their own upbringing and they loved me the best way they knew how to.

When my parents split, my mom packed 4 year old me and her bags up and we couch surfed, shelter surfed our way through the Bay Area area before gaining government housing assistance.

Somehow I managed to make it into the Cupertino School District and received the best education ever (Thanks mom!). Throughout my school years, I felt an insatiable desire to connect and understand everyone around me. I took on so many roles wanting to be everything to everyone it became very easy to lose track of what I wanted and needed. In my mind nothing mattered more than being understood.

Looking back, neither of my parents were capable of meeting those needs: neither of them were that involved in my life and as a result I spent a lot of my childhood looking for understanding, presence, and security within others.

In 2020, after many years of cutting and shaping myself to receive love and acceptance I hit a breaking point in the pandemic. I was at a point in my life where I had received everything I could have wished for: I graduated, moved into a beautiful place in San Francisco, had a job at a company that I really wanted to work for and still I felt deeply unsettled with myself.

With all of the noise of my normal life put on pause, I was given the space and security to take inventory of everything I have carried for the past 24 years:
Resentment towards my parents and upbringing, deep loneliness, an inability to communicate or feel my needs, relationship anxiety, and a lack of trust.

Overall, I was suffering a huge injury in my capacity to connect with myself and others. It has been a process. However, the greatest reward has been rediscovering myself and reclaiming my joy. The past 2 years since I started untangling my trauma, I began practicing self compassion, remembering who I am, investing in my hobbies, learning how to create community, and loving myself in all the ways I wished somebody else could have taught me to.

What initially started as a desperate attempt to escape myself and all of the crap that was suffocating me, translated into accepting myself and whatever life had to offer.

Since dedicating myself to this work of healing and growth, I am amazed by what I have been able to learn and what tools I have been able to develop. One of my favorite healing tools has been play and movement. Play has given me the permission to express without judgement and movement invites me to feel connected with my body. Both tools have empowered me during moments when I feel gripped by trauma. Knowing I can shift from a state of psychological paralysis into a state of flow and movement is something I am so grateful for.

One of my favorite takeaways since beginning my process in healing is "It only gets better". Every time I think I have reached "peak understanding" of what it means to live well, I encounter something new that takes that concept to a new dimension. I invite everyone who has ever felt stuck in their own life to remember that re-accessing our ability to flow is always available to us as long as we stay curious about ourselves. :)

connect with Lyn on Instagram: @lyn_terature

about me

In this beautiful human form, I’m Pei-Ling Lee. With an integrated lineage of energy-based healing art modalities, cosmic wisdom and ancient earth traditions, and intuitive movement practices, I lead immersive somatic experiences with a loving heart and a playful spirit. Through my multidimensional voice, creativity, and presence, I align, activate, and guide those who are also on a conscious journey of evolution.
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about spiraling with/in

spiraling with/in is a multidimensional container for illuminating conversations, where we spiral with/in the present moment together. Tuning into the inspiring energies with/in the here and now, lovingly including whatever arises.

With weekly episodes, spiraling with/in is available on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, and other magical channels of podcast radiance.

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an open invitation

If you're inspired to be part of this evolutionary journey of conscious co-creation as a sponsor or collaborator, send me a message to explore the alignment of mutually joyful expansion.

a loving reminder of self-sovereignty and vibrational autonomy

All content offered to you through me, Pei-Ling Lee, on any channel or website is for informational and educational purposes only. I share general information, not personalized recommendations. By being here, you consciously realize that you are a multidimensionally whole divine being — fully responsible for yourself and all of your choices, actions, experiences, and outcomes. And you acknowledge that the content I share is not intended to be considered medical, mental health, legal, financial, or religious advice. Everything is invitational, offered forth for you to discern what's true, aligned, and resonant with you now.

Love, light, and blessings!