019 being in the physical body


8/8 Lion's Gate blessings! Join me in this spiraling chit chat where I share about living from within — rather than above or beyond — the body.

May you receive what resonates and release what doesn't. Thanks for experiencing this moment with us and for supporting this podcast in all the ways — downloading, liking, subscribing, following!

about me

Hello, I’m Pei-Ling Lee. I’m an intuitive artist sharing my journey of creating a card deck of conscious inspiration. My roots are in a lineage of holistic healing arts, ancient earth traditions, and cosmic connections. With a joyful heart and a playful spark, I love partnering with the divine, harmonizing with nature, and collaborating with kindred creatives in the spirit of love, freedom, and unity.
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about spiraling with/in

spiraling with/in is an inspiring podcast for illuminating conversations where we spiral with/in the present moment together. Tuning into whatever arises in the here and now.

With weekly episodes, spiraling with/in is available on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, and other magical channels of podcast radiance.

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an open invitation

If you're inspired to support spiraling with/in as a sponsor or collaborator, send me a message to explore the alignment of mutually joyful expansion.

a loving reminder of self-sovereignty and vibrational autonomy

All content offered to you through me, Pei-Ling Lee, on any channel or website is for informational and educational purposes only. I share general information, not personalized recommendations. By being here, you consciously realize that you are a multidimensionally whole divine being — fully responsible for yourself and all of your choices, actions, experiences, and outcomes. And you acknowledge that the content I share is not intended to be considered medical, mental health, legal, financial, or religious advice. Everything is invitational, offered forth for you to discern what's true, aligned, and resonant with you now.

Love, light, and blessings!